COVID and the Higher Education Equity Gap S1E4

COVID and the Higher Ed Equity Gap

As an additional outcome, the COVID 19 pandemic has highlighted a reality that many in higher education have already witnessed; the equity gap experienced by students, faculty and their surrounding communities.

IA addresses how the disparities that have been a reality for many, are now deemed a ‘newly uncovered’ phenomenon for others.

Special guests:
Dr. Nakisha Castillo
Dr. Leticia Rojas

‘My sister’s keeper’ – Examining the role of mentorship in higher education S1E3

‘My sister’s keeper’ – Examining the role of mentorship in higher education

With another take on an older term, ‘my sister’s keeper’ explores the role of women who lean back and lift up. IA asks women in the academy, how they see the journey and what role ‘sister to sister’ upliftment, has played along the way.

Special guests:
Ms. Natalie V. Nagthall
Dr. Lissa Ramirez-Stapleton
Dr. Maleta Wilson

The doctoral journey; support structures for women of color S1E2

The doctoral journey; support structures for women of color

Insufferable Academics evaluates the ‘mentorship to doctoral candidate’ pipeline from the perspective of women who have successfully completed the journey.

IA asks, ‘what’s accessible,’ ‘what’s lacking,’ and ‘what support structures are we creating for ourselves, that don’t already exist?’

Special guests:
Dr. Nakisha Castillo
Dr. Tamara Frazier
Dr. Mallanie Harris

Insufferable Academics pod’versations

Insufferable Academics

Insufferable Academics takes you beyond research and safe spaces and into the lived experiences behind the data.

Pull up a seat as we talk with armchair intellectuals, book nerds, backseat pontificators and scholars alike.

At IA, there’s only real talk without filters. So sit back, grab your spiced tea or your half-caf/decaf and learn something…from Insufferable Academics