Establishing careers in law enforcement and the impact of lived experiences along the way (Part I & II) S2E7 & S2E8

Special guest spotlight:

David M. Long, JD is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Legal Studies at Brandman University. An experienced criminal investigator and former litigator, he is a highly regarded consultant, trainer, and speaker on money laundering. During his nearly decade of government service as a Special Agent with the federal Office of Labor Racketeering (OIG/OLR), he investigated cases pertaining to the infiltration of organized crime in labor unions. His cases centered on the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), public corruption, extortion, bribery and witness tampering. He also served as one of the agency’s firearms and use of force trainers. Long served with distinction as a Special Agent and received several awards for meritorious service.

Dr. Obed Magny is a police officer with 16 years of experience. He is a founding member of the American Society of Evidence Based Policing (ASEBP). The ASEBP is a non-profit organization designed to drive the national conversation towards ensuring the least harmful, most effective, fairest, and safest research-based strategies are employed to prevent crime, reduce harm, and improve community wellness. Dr. Magny is a NIJ LEADS (Law Enforcement Advancing Data and Science) Scholar Alum. The NIJ LEADS scholarship program helps law enforcement officers integrate research into their day-to-day work, and provides NIJ with direct insight from forward-leaning practitioners who value research and the role it plays in practice. In addition to being a LEADS Scholar, Dr. Magny is also a Policing Fellow at the National Police Foundation. Dr. Magny is an expert in the field of motivation, job satisfaction, diversity, diversity, trauma, and emotional intelligence.